A.V. Zhirmunsky National Scientific Center of Marine Biology
Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences


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On September 23–24, 2025, A.V. Zhirmunsky National Scientific Center of Marine Biology FEB RAS (NSCMB FEB RAS) and the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS) will hold the 7th NSCMB–IOCAS bilateral workshop in Vladivostok, Russia. The workshop will include only oral presentations and discussions. The workshop is dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the NSCMB FEB RAS, will be held immediately after the celebration day (September 22) and will precede the national marine biology meeting organized by the NSCMB on September 25–26, 2025.

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The A.V. Zhirmunsky National Scientific Center of Marine Biology, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences is holding the All-Russian Conference with international contributions, "Lipid Biochemistry", on October 7–8, 2025, in Vladivostok. The conference is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding biochemist Viktor Evgenievich Vaskovsky.

Logo modern maricultureOn September 8–11, 2024, the Fourth School for Young Scientists "Modern Mariculture: Biological, biochemical and molecular genetics approaches" was held on the basis of the Vostok marine biological station NSCMB FEB RAS. The School was organized within the framework of the Russian Science Foundation project No. 21-74-30004 supervised by Igor Dolmatov, the Director of the Center and a Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The School for Young Scientists brought together talented young people and those who are interested in sciences.




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On the 17th -19th of October 2023 Qingdao (China) has hold long-awaited conference - the sixth China-Russia Bilateral Workshop, which was organized between the Institute of Oceanology Chinese Academy of Sciences and the A.V. Zhirminsky National Scientific Center of Marine Biology Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences. The reason of long-awaited conference is that the cooperation of two major Institutes for studying ocean biology was interrupted with pandemic (Covid-19) and administrative instability for the last few years. In that time, when the Director of NSCMB FEB RAS, corr. member of RAS Igor Yu. Dolmatov had got his work after election and approval of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Igor Yu. Dolmatov set a goal before International Department to bring the cooperation to a new level and to achieve significant breakthrough in cooperation with scientific and educational institutions of China. The previous joint Workshop between the IO CAS and the NSCMB FEB RAS was in 2019 (the first one was in 2007, all workshops are conducted according with Agreement of Cooperation).

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