A.V. Zhirmunsky National Scientific Center of Marine Biology
Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences


On June 26, 2022 a Russian-Chinese on-line meeting was held with the participation of NSCMB FEB RAS. The meeting was initiated by the Chinese-Russian Fisheries Platform Center (Hunchun city). The event was attended by the Russian Embassy in China, the Chinese Consulate General in Vladivostok, the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the A.V. Zhirmunsky National Scientific Center of Marine Biology FEB RAS, the Russian Federal Agency for Fisheries, the city governments of Hunchun, Beijing, Chongqing, Dalian, Changchun and by a number of representatives of interested organizations..


The NSCMB FEB RAS was represented by Dr. Sergey Maslennikov, Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Marine Ecosystem Dynamics, who delivered a presentation entitled "Cultivation of commercial crab species".

Zhang Shouzhi, Deputy Mayor of Hunchun Municipal Government, made proposals to develop of a Joint Chinese-Russian Laboratory of East Asian Aquaculture and presented the "Development Plan for the Chinese-Russian Cooperation in the Russian Far East (2018 - 2024)". The plan points out seven priority areas for trade and economic collaboration between Russia and China, including aquaculture. Over recent years, especially since 2018, the city of Hunchun, Jilin Province and the Russia’s border regions have made significant progress in the development of seafood trade.

The participants in the meeting underlined that the creation of the Joint Laboratory of East Asian Aquaculture would enable China and Russia to further facilitate cooperation in scientific research and thus to achieve mutually beneficial results in the field of industrial fish farming.

«Antey» Co. and the A.V. Zhirmunsky National Scientific Center of Marine Biology, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences have released more than 10,000 Kamchatka (King) crab fry into the Peter the Great Bay in Vladivostok.

Fry were raised at the Vostok Marine Experimental Station in Livadia as a part of a joint research project «Development of modern approaches to creating technologies for sustainable cultivation and reproduction of valuable marine Hydrobionts».

The total experimental batch of ten thousand specimens weighed only 40 grams, but in a few years the surviving crab fry will reach a weight of 2-3 kilograms.

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One of the films on the OTV-Prim programme "Marine", edited by V.G. Oshchenko, dedicated to the release of crab entitled "Kamchatka (King) crabs for the Amur Bay" has been translated into Chinese by simultaneous translation. The film materials were also posted on the RUARTS channel in Chinese social networks based on WeCHAT. Follow the link to view the film>>>

A delegation from the Institute of Natural Products Chemistry of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (INPC VAST, Hanoi) led by Professor Pham Quoc Long, President of the Scientific Committee, and Dr. Pham Minh Quan, Deputy Director of the Institute, visited the A.V. Zhirmunsky National Scientific Center of Marine Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and its branch, "Primorsky Aquarium".

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Researchers from the Institute of Natural Products Chemistry VAST (Dao Thi Kim Dung, Dang Thi Minh Tuyet and Dang Thi Phuong Ly) and the Laboratory of Comparative Biochemistry of the NSCMB FEB RAS (V.I. Svetashev, E.V. Ermolenko, T.V. Sikorskaya and V.P. Grigorchuk) do research on marine natural compound biochemistry of coral reef communities in Vietnam. The research is carried out based on an agreement on cooperation between the Institutes and a joint grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.

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INPC VAST and NSCMB FEB RAS have been working in close collaboration since 2001, which resulted in many fundamental scientific publications, development of new medicines from natural resources of Vietnam, exchange of specialists, and training of graduate students.

On April 6, 2022, the 87th R/V "Akademik Mstislav Keldysh" cruise ended. It lasted for 120 days, with the port of Kaliningrad as the place of departure and completion of the expedition.

The NSCMB FEB RAS expedition team was formed to participate in a large-scale scientific expedition to study resources of the Southern Ocean ecosystem. The team consisted of O.G. Borzykh, expedition leader, research scientist of the Laboratory of Marine Microbiota, V.V. Kasyan, researcher of the Laboratory of Systematics and Morphology, junior research scientist of the Laboratory of Pharmacology G.V. Malykin, junior research scientist of the Laboratory of Pharmacology N.A. Shved.

The expedition organization was funded by Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. Research by the NSCMB FEB RAS group is conducted within the framework of the state assignment "Biodiversity and Structure of Bottom Communities of the Southern Ocean". The team performed a variety of scientific tasks.

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Expedition group photo.

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to attend the International Symposium:


The meeting is held by the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FEB RAS), A.V. Zhirmunsky National Scientific Center of Marine Biology FEB RAS (NSCMB FEB RAS, Vladivostok), Federal Science Center of Biodiversity in East Asia FEB RAS, Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), and Vladivostok Public Foundation for Development of Genetics (VFDG).

MAPEEG-2022 is the eleventh symposium held in Vladivostok and Vostok Marine Biological Station, Russia. The symposium will be arranged on September 7-11, 2022. The current meeting will be primarily hosted by NSCMB FEB RAS.

The main subjects are the following:

  • Evolutionary Genetics & Genomics
  • Molecular Systematics, DNA Barcoding, and Phylogenetics
  • Microevolution. Population-Genetic Structure of Species
  • Ecological Genetics

For more information, follow this link: http://wwwimb.dvo.ru/misc/mapeeg/index.php/en/

On April 13, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko paid an official visit to Primorye. The head of the Friendly State took part in a working meeting with Governor Oleg Kozhemyako. The main topic of the talks was the cooperation between the Republic and the Territory (Primorsky Krai), implementation of the ongoing projects and new areas of cooperation.

The point in the itinerary of the delegation was the Primorsky Aquarium - a unique place where everyone can learn about the evolution of life in the ocean, the biodiversity of inhabitants of fresh and sea waters of the planet, including the Sea of Japan, the Sea of Okhotsk, the Bering Sea, Lake Baikal and Lake Khanka, the Amur River. Alexander Lukashenko visited the dolphinarium and watched the show at the Primorsky Aquarium.

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The President of Belarus was met by Inessa V. Duyzen, the Acting director of the National Scientific Center of Marine Biology named after A.V. Zhirmunsky, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In December 2021, the A.V. Zhirmunsky National Scientific Center of Marine Biology, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (the NSCMB FEB RAS), represented by its Acting Director, RAS Corresponding Member Dr. Inessa V. Dyuizen and the National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea (MABIK), represented by Dr. Wan-Hyun Choi, President of the MABIK, renewed their cooperation under the existing Memorandum of Understanding. Formal collaboration between the organizations began in 2016-2017, when the decision was made to document the relationship and create a joint Laboratory, called “the Marine Joint Laboratory of Biodiversity” (MJLB). As part of the work of the joint Russian-Korean Marine Biodiversity Laboratory, the first field work was carried out on the coast of the Peter the Great Bay on June 23-30, 2019.

With the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and its limitations, the two parties managed to identify promising areas of cooperation for 2022 in an online format and negotiate on an agreement under the existing Memorandum of Understanding which involves sharing experiences in developing best practices, organizing joint scientific events, conferences, colloquiums, symposiums, joint projects and research. So, the next MJLB committee scientific meeting will take place in the near future on the Zoom platform.

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